So here we are well into a new year. I was thinking about this, and how so many people make new year’s resolutions, only to have them last a few weeks, days or even hours.
Then I came across this quote:
Simple. Profound. Brilliant! Sobering.
I am currently assessing my “vision”, and looking at what steps I will take this year to move towards my vision.
Many of us make our new year’s resolutions and consider them the year’s goals. Goals are fine, but they can become just that – an unfulfilled out-there-something, if we don’t take some form of action towards it. Goals can even become just dreams, then they become meaningless. Jack Hayford (Pastor of one of the USA’s most significant churches) once wrote an article entitled “Why I don’t set goals”.
How about you? What steps are before you, that if you took a bold, decisive, wise faith-filled step onto, would send you towards your vision and even the fulfillment of it this year?
Lets step up the stairs of our vision this year! And I’m sure we’ll be amazed at what happens!
Photo Courtesy Graeme Eades