Inner Health

Proverbs 11:17  The merciful man does good for his own SOUL, But he who is cruel troubles his own flesh. (NKJV).  (Emphasis mine).

The following Brief Word is the basic outline of a message I was privileged to deliver recently at my home church.  I don’t often do this, but I would also encourage you to listen on line, at  Click on “Change before you have to – Inner/Soul Health”.

The Bible speaks a lot about the soul. Psalm 42:5 Why are you in despair, O my soul?  And why have you become disturbed within me?  Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence. (NASB).  Psalm 23:3  He restores my soul. (NKJV).  And others.

The Apostle John mentioned it when he wrote to his friend and possibly fellow Apostle Gaius.  3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (NKJV).  To prosper means to succeed financially.  (We all want that!).  It means to flourish or thrive, and to do well.  The soul is the mind, emotions and will.  The soul is our inner person, the inner us.   John already knew of Gaius’s strong spiritual and soul health, (i.e. “just as your soul prospers“), but he also wants him to prosper physically and asks after his physical well-being.

God also is concerned for your spirit, and your soul, and your body.  So.  Some sobering questions; I also ask of myself.

  • How’s your soul?
  • How are you on the inside?
  • What is the state of your mental health?
  • What do you do to look after your inner person?
  • How do you keep your mind healthy?

It is important to understand, that we may need to make some changes or carry out maintenance from time to time, or, our soul, something inside us, will not hold up.  Something inside us will be weak, or even break.

We know only too well the products of brokenness of soul.  Last year, Pastor Rick Warren, author of best seller 40 Days of Purpose, lost his son Matthew – he took his own life.  His parents knew that he’d struggled with depression all his life.  The tragic death just this week in Sydney of New Zealand born TV celebrity Charlotte Dawson brings home the sobering truth that not everyone is coping mentally with life.  It would appear she had everything going for her, yet those who knew her speak of her battle with depression.  Recently I heard of two up-and-coming Australian NRL League players, who had just made the cut and were destined for great things, yet something was too much for them and they too took their own lives.

I certainly don’t have all the answers to the questions left unanswered after the heart-break of suicide, but I do know the pain and shame and weight of burnout and depression.  (See Brief Word #33 Back from Burnout – August 2013).

Prevention is better than cure, so what could we do to keep a healthy mind?  If our mind is the fountain and source (after God and His Word of course), of all our decisions, thinking and behaviours, what are we doing to keep it in good shape?  Here’s some things I do as preventative maintenance for my mind.

i.          Set regular time for God and His Word.

Rick Warren says; “Your illness is not your identity, your chemistry is not your character.”  We need to get our identity, who we are, our value, not from society, media, or current trends, but from God and His Word!

ii.         Find what refreshes you mentally, and do that often! 

Is it music, exercise, the outdoors, tramping, stamping, camping, dining, digging, dancing, sun, sports, surf, family, being alone, running, romance, reading, writing, study, coffees!  Paul knew that everything begins in the mid, so he wrote; Romans 12:2… do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind. (NKJV).  Obviously the Word of God is the best for mind refreshment!

iii.        Live balanced.

What we eat, exercise, sleep, and the balance of self-time and work-time.  Guard your balance!  Again Rick Warren says; “Blessed are the balanced, for they shall outlast the rest”.

iv.        Don’t be afraid to see someone, and take meds, for a season.

And here’s today’s gem from Rick Warren; “If you struggle with a broken brain, you should be no more ashamed than someone with a broken arm.”  “It’s not a sin to take meds. It’s not a sin to get help. You don’t need to be ashamed.”  It is no shame to admit that we need help in our mind, that we need help mentally, and that we may be a little Biblical adjustment in our mind.

v.         Stay connected to a few trusted people.

They will support you, pray for you, challenge you, encourage you, watch out for you, and be there for you, they will not condemn you.

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find REST FOR YOUR SOULS.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (NKJV).

The best Soul health, the most effective efficient Mental Health, the most fulfilling Inner health, is knowing Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. It’s the starting point and the end point.  Keep your mind healthy, keep your soul filled, fueled, and free by being in Him!

Friend, there is hope for mental health.  It is firstly and forever in coming to Him who is the great burden bearer, who promises to give us rest for our soul.  That’s the place of maximum security and inner soul health.



Issue #38 February 2014. Brief Word comes out every month. Feel free to forward, photocopy and/or post this Brief Word to your Friends. You may be the very means God uses to impact someone’s life with the reality of the love of Jesus and the life changing power of God’s Word. If you wish to be on our regular E-Mailing list, please use the SUBSCRIBE form . If you would prefer to receive this E-Mail in Plain Text, please inform us. If you no longer wish to receive the Brief Word, you can unsubscribe at any time. Check out for free articles, archive copies of Brief Word and other resources.