Bible Revival!
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV.
There’s a fierce battle going on, and it’s the Battle for the Bible. There’s an assault, and an all-out warfare against the Bible.
If you know me a little, you’ll know that I am a big fan of the Bible. That love of the Scriptures compels me to share with you this Brief Word, but there’s much more to it than that.
- The Authority, of the Bible is under siege.
- The Authenticity of the Bible is being questioned.
- The Believability of the Bible is being abandoned.
- The Truth of the Bible is being scorned.
- The Divinity of the Bible is being discredited.
There once was a time, not too long ago, when the Bible was revered and recognised, it had rank, reputation and renown, and that was among the nation’s leaders, and society as a whole. The Ten Commandments were the foundation of much of the western world’s judiciary system. By and large this is no longer the case.
The Devil is out to devalue the Bible, to get us out of it, and away from it.
O how we desperately need a Bible Revival.
David Peters quotes Pastor Tak Bhana who issued an impassioned plea for revival in the church and a Bible Revival.
David goes on to say, Instead of Facebook, we need to get our faces in His Book.
In history, nations that followed the Book have been blessed. Nations that lost the Book have not.
In New Zealand, it was when the Bible was printed in the Māori language in the early 1830’s, that the gospel exploded. There had been decades of missionary work with moderate results, but the ten years between 1835 and 1845 saw revival. By 1845, there were 64,000 Māori out of an estimated population of 110,000 attending church. The Bible being placed directly in the hands of the people was significant in the history of this nation.
Charles Spurgeon once said, “Society without scripture is in danger of self-destruction.” This is what we are seeing in the world today. Each generation can lose the Bible. What one generations deems as optional, the next generation will deem as unnecessary. May it not be us.
What’s your Bible like? The photo above is mine. I’ve been reading that one almost daily for thirty four years.
Ah yes we too need a Bible Revival. We need the gifted and called teachers to be revealed, raised and released to bring the revelation for this hour, and to help the people understand the word, and to help us prepare for and live in these last days.
We desperately need the word of God to be taught with passion and clarity, with simplicity and skill, with love and compassion, with authority and anointing.
Does your life and mine, include sitting under anointed teaching of God’s word? (And there’s many choices online). But there’s nothing quite like being in the same room, the same space, being able to hear and see the preacher/teacher ministering from his or her gift, of helping us understand the Bible.
In every revival, there’s always the reviving of the sacred place of the Bible. Where time is given to hear it explained. Where it is the one immoveable reference point. Where it is experienced as it is, the living word of Jesus Himself, who speaks to us and brings understanding (revelation).
We need the Bible to be in the place of centrality in our own lives.
Here’s some things I believe will characterise a Bible Revival.
i. Passion — A hunger for the word of God.
There will be a renewed passion and a deep hunger in the hearts of the people of God, for the word of God. Just as nations who followed the Book have been blessed, so too will churches, and families, and businesses, and organisations, and clubs and individuals, be blessed.
ii Revelation — Teachers revealed, raised and released.
We need all of the gifts and ministries functioning in the body for it to grow and be healthy. We will see teachers, called and gifted by God, given place and opportunity. Which will bring revelation to the people. We need the teachers to help us because the Bible was written in a different time, a different culture, a different language and to different recipients than we are today.
iii. Compulsion — People, delving into the word themselves, groups, studying, learning, discussing.
The growing hunger in the hearts of the people in the Church and in our communities for the Bible, will cause them to spend time delving into it themselves, in small groups, at work, in the parks, everywhere.
iv. Expansion — Maturity, growth, people functioning, businesses prospering, people living rightly, Disciples making Disciples, making Disciples.
Good teaching does not create fat Christians. (But I’d rather have a fat Christian than a skinny, under-nourished, starving, weak and delusional Christian). On the contrary, anointed teaching and unfolding and explaining of God’s word helps people grow and become healthy spiritually, emotionally, relationally, financially, and in every way!
v. Salvation — Souls saved, because people are living right and living uncompromising, a strong testimony for Jesus.
Yes, yes, yes! Souls will be saved. Some people think we have to tone down the teaching of God’s word to connect with unbelievers. Well, I just know that in an atmosphere where the word of God is being taught with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with love and wisdom, God touches and opens hearts with His word that nothing or no one else can.
We will see I believe (and this is what I have seen), as the Bible is being taught and the Holy Spirit is revealing things, people will jump out of their seats explaining loudly, I’m healed! I’m healed! People will be delivered of demonic spirits under the teaching and preaching of God’s word. People will run to the front crying out to Jesus for mercy and forgiveness and become born again. All glory to Jesus!
Remember our text for this Brief Word? The Bible is profitable! For doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Doctrine — shows you the path to walk on,
Reproof — shows you where you left the path,
Correction — shows you how to get back on the path,
Instruction — shows you how to stay on the path.
Whatever keeps me from my Bible is my enemy, however harmless it may appear”. A W Tozer.
Our study of the written Word reveals the living Word. The next time you open your Bible, think of it as a conversation in which the Author is speaking through His Book personally to you.
Let there be a Bible Revival in your life, in your family, in your neighbourhood, in your church.
Then you’ll be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17 (NKJV).